DPS Permanent Cameras

DPS Permanent Cameras
Speed Trap

Revenue Grab

This is not about speed, this program is about revenue generation. 10 cameras will slow traffic, 78 is about making money for the State.
Who are the victims, mostly Arizona drivers, but Truckers, Visitors, or anyone else that has to pass through Arizona can expect to pay the cost.
If you drive in Arizona expect more tickets, higher insurance rates and increases in loss of drivers license. This is not the right economy to try
to take more money from drivers, and the truth is it will never be right.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ohio Supreme Court Clears Anti-Speed Camera Referendum for Vote

Chillicothe, Ohio residents will retain the right to vote out speed cameras on November 3, thanks to a Ohio Supreme Court ruling yesterday. Fearing the public would shut down his signature program, Chillicothe Mayor Joseph Sulzer had asked the high court for an emergency injunction blocking the citizen-led initiative. Sulzer argued that this step was needed because the proposed initiative was unconstitutional and the city was denied a fair chance to argue against it before the Ross County Board of Elections (view Sulzer’s court filing). The supreme court justices unanimously rejected his complaint.

By The Newspaper
October 22, 2009

Traffic cameras earn D.C. $36.4M in '09 from speeders

By: Scott McCabe
Examiner Staff Writer
October 27, 2009 The District has raked in at least $36.4 million from nearly a half-million drivers in fiscal 2009 because of traffic cameras, almost double the amount two years ago, according to a study released Monday.

D.C. police collected $29.9 million from speed camera fines and $6.5 million from red-light cameras tickets in the first 11 months of the last budget year, according to a study by AAA Mid-Atlantic.

The report did not include amounts for the final month because the District was still counting the money at the time the study was conducted.
