DPS Permanent Cameras

DPS Permanent Cameras
Speed Trap

Revenue Grab

This is not about speed, this program is about revenue generation. 10 cameras will slow traffic, 78 is about making money for the State.
Who are the victims, mostly Arizona drivers, but Truckers, Visitors, or anyone else that has to pass through Arizona can expect to pay the cost.
If you drive in Arizona expect more tickets, higher insurance rates and increases in loss of drivers license. This is not the right economy to try
to take more money from drivers, and the truth is it will never be right.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wake-up Cal-i-Forn-i-a!

Governor Arnold is now proposing the dumbest solution in history for the California budget problem - SPEED CAMERAS! SPEED CAMERAS make the Speed camera contractor rich and infuriate drivers. If he wanted to do something he should work on stopping the traffic congestion and promote synchronization of red lights to cut down on green house gases but that would not generate money for the state to spend...

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